
Noite Europeia dos Investigadores

2024 Edition of the UBI European Researchers' Night with Innovative Activities The University of Beira Interior (UBI) is preparing for another edition of the European Researchers' Night, which will take place on the 26th and 27th of September 2024, in Covilhã. The event, which aims to bring science closer to the public and awaken young people's interest in scientific careers, will include a diverse set of interactive and multidisciplinary activities promoted by UBI professors and researchers.

On September 26th, the Goldra Amphitheater will host the “Opening Session”, with the presence of the Rector of UBI, Mário Raposo, and the Vice-Rector of Research, Innovation and Development, Sílvia Socorro. Next, the “Sustainability Mural” project will be presented, coordinated by Ana Margarida Ferreira, professor at the Department of Arts in partnership with Escola Básica e Jardim de Infância do Refúgio. This initiative involves elementary school and university students in creating a mural using used materials (Upcycling), reinforcing UBI's commitment to environmental issues and the promotion of sustainability, while encouraging children's appreciation for the arts.

Also on the first day, the Goldra Amphitheater will host the “Young Parliament”. The initiative invites high school students to debate the topic of dating violence and will be implemented with the support of the Covilhã Municipal Youth Council in collaboration with the UBI Student Ombudsman's Office and the Political Science and International Relations Course. At the same time, the exhibition “Equality in Numbers”, promoted by the UBI Equality Commission, will be open.

On September 27th, the UBI Sports Complex will be the setting for the game "Eco- Heroes". On a giant-sized game board and where students themselves act as pawns in the life-sized game, schools in the region will be challenged to participate as students learn about various issues associated with climate change. Prizes are planned for the winning school. In parallel, the “UBI Science Fair” takes place where UBI professors and researchers promote various practical activities (“Hands-On Activities”) that will allow the public to interact with scientific experiments and innovative projects being developed at the university. Among these, the case of the “NC Archive”, which stores the web repository of Jornal Notícias da Covilhã, and the “Intelligent Management of Car Parks”, which combines the Internet of Things with intelligent urban management. Also present at the various stands are activities in the areas of Information Technology, Robotics, Aerospace Sciences and Health.

Over the two days, the Central Library Auditorium will host the activity “Earthquakes: before, during and after”, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Panels, videos and simulators will be presented to clarify questions about this natural phenomenon.

The event will culminate with the “Lights of Science” initiative, a night walk with UBI researchers through the streets of Covilhã, scheduled for 9pm on the 27th. Along the route and in several key points of the city, the researchers encourage discussion with the public on scientific topics of interest to ordinary citizens. Registration can be made [], without restrictions by age groups.

The European Researchers' Night is the largest European scientific dissemination event, taking place in around 50 cities and reaching 1.5 million people.


Quinta, 26 de setembro

Sessão de Abertura
14:30 | Anfiteatro da Goldra

Lançamento do projeto "Mural da Sustenibilidade"

Parlamento dos Jovens
Tema: Violência no namoro

Exposição "Igualdade em Números"


Sexta, 27 de setembro

Jogo "Eco-Heroes"
10:00-17:00 | Complexo Desportivo
Jogo de tabuleiro em tamanho real sobre as alteraçöes climáticas

Feira da Ciência-UBI
Hands-on activities em diversas áreas do conhecimento

Luzes da Ciência
21:00 | Jardim das Artes
Caminhada noturna com Investigadores da UBI
