You are viewing the program of the past edition. Visit the new 2024 program.


European Researchers' Night 2022

With over 200 activities including scientific cafes, open exhibitions and museums, presentation of prototypes, experiments, shows and games for all, the center of Turin is once again the beating heart of the event.

Researchers await you at the Palazzo del Rettorato of the University of Turin, in the courtyard of Palazzo Badini-Confalonieri, in the new spaces of the Palazzina Aldo Moro and in Palazzo Nuovo. In addition, the Botanical Garden, the Valentino Castle and the Palazzo degli Istituti Anatomici with university museums open their doors to the public.

In addition to the rich Turin program, on the same days many activities animate the cities of Cuneo, Saluzzo, Ostana.

All UNIGHT events are free and open to everyone, unless otherwise specified.

Main program

Other locations:

UNIGHT Orbassano: program
UNIGHT Aosta: program
Location principali: Torino, Cuneo, Saluzzo, Ostana | Altre location: Orbassano, Aosta


An event by
International partners
Associated partners
In collaboration with
Great innova
Parco fluviale Gesso e Stura
Europe Direct
Terres Monviso
Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo
Under the patronage of
Città di Torino